Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Water Water Everywhere!

At the end of January we made our first trip to Wisconsin Dells with the Little One. She was just shy of her 7-month birthday and you’re probably wondering why we went there. Our friends’ daughter just finished treatment for cancer and it was a big celebration weekend centered around the water park at the Great Wolf Lodge.

We left Chicago Saturday morning with the intention of only spending a few hours in the water park that afternoon. If we had only known how much she (and we!) would love it, we would have gone earlier. We started off in the baby pool, but Isabelle started to cry the minute her feet hit the water. We thought it was probably too cold, so we ventured over to the kids “hot tub” – basically a small pool of warm water. She LOVED it and learned how to splash. There were a ton of little girls in the pool who wanted to play with Isabelle and tell us how cute she is. It was hilarious! At one point I went to get my camera and the little girls had basically cornered Tom and Isabelle. He had to (nicely) tell them to back off.

Ah yes, the camera. For some reason my iPhone died right after I took a photo of Isabelle and our friend Megan (who organized the entire weekend for her daughter). The battery of our camera also died. Mommy fail!

Despite the photos to document it, we had a great time at the Great Wolf Lodge and I would highly recommend it! We shared a two-bedroom condo suite with Megan’s parents and her brother and sister-in-law. They are very spacious and include a full kitchen. I think we might go back once Isabelle is a little older – I still want to try the Howlin' Tornado.