Thursday, May 16, 2013

Try Not to Laugh at Me

When we went camping last September I noticed a fellow mom helping tear down the tent while keeping track of her kids...and she was really pregnant.  I distinctly remember laughing in disbelief and telling Tom that he would never get me to go camping while pregnant.  Well guess what, I changed my mind. All on my own! I think it was the beautiful weather we've been having in Chicago that helped and the fact that I'm feeling great. So today we reserved our campsites at Peninsula State Park and decided to do the reverse Lake Michigan Circle Tour with our first stop in Door County. The decision was really based on the availability of campsites - it's plural on purpose. The park is undergoing some construction, so not all of the campsites are available, plus it's their busy season. So we'll have to switch campsites. No biggie, right? Anyway, it looks like we're camping for a few days during our road trip. Now we're off to find a hotel on Mackinac Island that won't break the bank.

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