Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Visions of Pink Elephants

Tom’s brother and sister-in-law live just outside of Brussels and it’s a great excuse to visit Europe…like we need one. During our 2009 trip we spent a day in Brussels where chocolate, waffles and beer were freely consumed. One of our last stops was the Delirium Café, home to over 2,004 beers. While we didn't have any actual Delirium beer (we can get that at home), we did enjoy a nice variety of unique beers. Each one was served at the right temperature and in the proper glass - perfection! If you love beer like we do, especially Belgium beer, add the Delirium Café to your travel list.

Is this heaven? No, it's Belgium!
I wanted to take a tray home.
Matching glass - love that!

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