Monday, September 24, 2012

Isabelle's "New" Travel Books

Yesterday our church, Saint Andrew, hosted a used book sale and it did not disappoint. We picked up some “new” books for Isabelle’s library and enjoyed the complimentary coffee and loads of treats. In our pile of books were two that focused on traveling and exploring the world.

Goofy Takes Off: An Adventure in Switzerland has Goofy skiing the Alps and while flipping through the Did You Know... section, I noticed a picture of Mickey Mouse's nephews, Morty and Ferdie (thanks Dad!), enjoying fondue. Right below that picture is one of Goofy indulging with Swiss chocolate. Those are definitely two of my favorite Swiss treats!

The Big World Book talks about how people live around the world and has an awesome pop-up at the end. However, considering Isabelle just tore apart another pop-up book, I think we’ll have to shelve this one for awhile.


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